Module 2: Digital Financial Strategy

Investment projects

Growth Strategy Friday
Workshop #6

Investment and Growth Management

It is one of the most interesting and at the same time complex things because of the risk we take when incorporating new technologies, entering new categories or expanding our businesses.

I want to share that this session was one of the most enriching, as analyzing the businesses of celebrities and understanding their interests, as was the case with the analysis of the English rock band Coldplay, allows us to know them even more; that is, they have their assets very focused on sustainability issues such as: Environmental projects, Reforestation, Renewable energy patents, Social startups and social activism.

This week’s events, ranging from Microsoft and Open AI’s copyright infringement lawsuit in the expansion of AI to India’s incentive systems to accelerate the growth of its companies, make it very clear that investment risks are always present. Imagine if the world’s largest companies face problems, how will we fare, those who are not trillion-dollar companies?

Download methodology and case studies deck

Next Friday we will continue with Module 2 of Financial Strategy, delving into capital raising and financial leverage, where we will review funding mechanisms, fundraising, debt financing, and financial mechanisms to grow brands.

Finally, I invite those who want to join the “Growth Strategy Fridays,” which are online workshops lasting 2 hours each week from 8:00 to 10:00 Chicago/CDMX time, where we address corporate growth strategy topics through an annual program that aims to review the methodologies and cases of the most iconic brands in the world.